PDF/ND Lighting Panel in my home cockpit flight simulator

PFD/ND Lighting Panels

One point fewer on the todo-list of the MIP! The first challenge was to equip my JAA Panels with suitable potentiometers and buttons. Fortunately I could get a pair of older A320-type Opencockpits-Panels via the flightx.net community. Thanks a lot to Florian at this point! Equipping the Panels So I Read more…

Air distributor for my ventilation system in my A320 home cockpit flight simulator

Designing a Ventilation System

Some time ago, I recognized another home cockpit builder’s forum-thread. He’s building a Boeing 737-800 cockpit and he described how he constructed and installed a basic ventilation system. Thanks a lot, Daniel! 🙂 I was absolutetly excited by this idea! How literally cool would it be, to have a fully Read more…