A320 Autobrake-Panel in my A320 home cockpit (replica) with lighted Korrys

#6 Choosing the right Suppliers

Hi Guys! Sooner or later you’ll come to the point of ordering products at a home cockpit parts supplier. When the decision for a supplier has been made and you’re starting to build up your cockpit, problems with your supplier can significantly delay or even crash your whole project. Because of Read more…

PDF/ND Lighting Panel in my home cockpit flight simulator

PFD/ND Lighting Panels

One point fewer on the todo-list of the MIP! The first challenge was to equip my JAA Panels with suitable potentiometers and buttons. Fortunately I could get a pair of older A320-type Opencockpits-Panels via the flightx.net community. Thanks a lot to Florian at this point! Equipping the Panels So I Read more…

Selfmade side-window of an A320 by Marco Streeb

#3 Make or Buy?

I’m sure you have already checked out some prices for home cockpit parts of manufacturers. Well, I felt the same when I saw them for the first time. That’s why I’m going to show you the possibilities and best practises of DIY in a home cockpit project, so you can Read more…

Calculation pen office

#2 Kicking Off Your Project

Congratulations! You just decided for an exciting new hobby which can greatly enhance your skills and knowledge in many interesting areas – if you are just willing to. When you decide to build up your own home cockpit, planning becomes a highly important factor. Your early decisions will greatly affect, Read more…