Hi Guys! There wasn’t much progress during the last months in my cockpit – but recently I had the chance to work on it for a little time. So I quickly decided to paint the bottom of my Glareshield.
Determining the Color
The first step was to find the right color, what wasn’t really easy. From pictures you can only hardly determine, which color the Glareshield really has. Via flightx.net I got a tip, that the Glareshield of the older A320s is colored in navy blue (Marineblau). So I got me some color maps and after several tries, I bought a color similar to dark blue and shaded it with black paint. The result is what you see on the pictures, a very nice and strong dark blue. I like it, because I think it represents the original color of the current A320 model pretty accurate.
The painting by itself was pretty easy. My Glareshield bottom is made of a simple MDB board. I sanded all the edges and the front. Then grounded it with primer and applied the solvent, semigloss paint with a paint roller. The result was awesome. The color is reflecting the light a little bit, just like I wanted it to be. Check it out 🙂
Für alle deutschsprachigen Besucher: Es handelt sich um den Swingcolor Buntlack seidenmatt (lösemittelhaltig) den man im Bauhaus bekommt 🙂