My Cockpit
Current Status
Hi Guys! Some time past since my last update – for good reasons. It’s been quite unclear, if I could continue with my project. I had to rethink the whole thing and came to the point, that I have to Read more…
Hi Guys! Some time past since my last update – for good reasons. It’s been quite unclear, if I could continue with my project. I had to rethink the whole thing and came to the point, that I have to Read more…
Hey Guys! Some time ago I cabled my Autobrake-Panel with my Arcaze and Arduino modules. Here’s what I’ve done. Starting point was the Autobrake-Panel I bought from JAA. It was delivered with Korrys, Switches and Buttons but did not consist Read more…
Time to face the next challenge – the construction of the landing gear lever! As you might know, I bought a complete set of MIP-Panels without any mechanical parts. So my challenge is now, to fill the MIP with all Read more…
Hi Guys! There wasn’t much progress during the last months in my cockpit – but recently I had the chance to work on it for a little time. So I quickly decided to paint the bottom of my Glareshield. Determining Read more…
Hi Guys! Sooner or later you’ll come to the point of ordering products at a home cockpit parts supplier. When the decision for a supplier has been made and you’re starting to build up your cockpit, problems with your supplier Read more…
Before you begin, make sure you know (at least roughly) the measures of your cockpit. In my case, the room has 3,80×3,20m which is only just enough for a double-seater cockpit including the cockpit-shell. I decided not to make the Read more…
One point fewer on the todo-list of the MIP! The first challenge was to equip my JAA Panels with suitable potentiometers and buttons. Fortunately I could get a pair of older A320-type Opencockpits-Panels via the community. Thanks a lot Read more…
Some time ago, I recognized another home cockpit builder’s forum-thread. He’s building a Boeing 737-800 cockpit and he described how he constructed and installed a basic ventilation system. Thanks a lot, Daniel! 🙂 I was absolutetly excited by this idea! Read more…
After you have decided, which kind of software to use, let’s now take a look at the computer hardware and peripherals you are going to need in your project! First of all, here’s an overview of the components that Read more…
Now that you’ve got a feel for the characteristics of your home cockpit project, it’s time to pay attention to the software you’re going to need. The target of this strategy is, that you will be able to practise flying Read more…